KENDRION Automotive focuses on intelligent drive technology to help manage the global transition to electrification and other forms of clean energy. At the production plant in Prostějov, it focuses on the production of solenoids for standard and mobile hydraulics.

In this production area, there are huge demands on the final purity of the produced products. Standard cleaning in the so-called wet way is demanding both in terms of time and handling of the cleaning medium. The customer is therefore looking for ways to achieve the required cleanliness for some of his products in a dry way - with the help of compressed air.


In this project, we have combined our experience with compressed air nozzles and the development of single-purpose equipment.

The proposed device is therefore intended for cleaning the outer surface of the solenoid valve from solid impurities by blowing with compressed air.

For this purpose, special rotating nozzles were used to create a shock wave of compressed air. As the compressed air passes through the nozzle, the soft polyurethane tube rotates together with the inner rotating tube. The compressed air emerges from the rotating tube and thus creates a shock wave with a strong dynamic effect.



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