TSE Electronics has been developing, designing, manufacturing, installing and servicing electronics and electrical engineering since 1992.

Humidity is essential in electrical production. Some processes are dependent on the water content in the air - both in terms of the formation of electrostatic charge, both to maintain the properties of the input raw materials, and also for the course of quality of technological operations. Therefore, the customer needed to install a system that would provide him with control over the air humidity of the production premises.


Humidification nozzles control the humidity level of the environment. This reduces the build-up of electrostatic charge and dust swirling and provides cooling. They produce the so-called dry mist with an average droplet diameter of 7.5 µm, the use of which is - compared to conventional air conditioning systems or conventional steam humidification - significantly more economical.

In the customer's operation, we have installed a complete humidification system with simple control.


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